(02)2898-7447 25159新北市淡水區中正東路二段177號(華碩AI雲創園區) 培育領域:電子資訊(AI、5G)、生技醫藥 單位介紹:TWSC台智雲以 TWCC 臺灣 AI 雲提供超級電腦 AIHPC 高速運算,助攻產業數位發展所需的 AI 智慧應用服務及雲架構解決方案,協助企業有效縮短研發週期並實現數位轉型。 提供空間形式:培育空間 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路 8.對接國外市場通路 特殊軟硬體設備提供:無 |
3.Taiwan Web Service Corporation
+886-2-2898-7447 No. 177, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng E. Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Area of focus:AI, 5G, Biotechnology & Medicine Introduction:Taiwan Web Service Corporation (TWSC) was founded in 2021. Using Taiwan’s AI cloud TWCC platform services, it launched a commercial high performance computing AIHPC supercomputer for the service industry in Asia. Incubation space:office space Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market Special facility or equipment:N/A |