(07)381-4526#31431-31434 811532高雄市楠梓區卓越路2-1號 培育領域:綠電及再生能源產業、資訊及數位產業、海洋科技 單位介紹:高科大為我國規模最大之科技大學,擁有豐富學研能量與產業鏈結。本中心培育聚焦領域為綠能、電機/機械、海洋,結合科技應用、創業生態系、政府資源、服務管理等面向,提供進駐廠商全面性諮商輔導與資源串接服務。 提供空間形式:多樣式培育空間、會議室、共享空間、新創培訓交流場域、成果發表暨產品展示空間 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路 特殊軟硬體設備提供:無 |
1.Innovation and Incubation Center, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
+886-7-381-4526#31431-31434 No.2-1, Jhuoyue Rd., Nanzih Dist., Kaohsiung City 811532,Taiwan (R.O.C) Area of focus:Green Energy,Mechanical &Electrical Engineering,Marine Industry Introduction:NKUST Innovation and Incubation Center focuses on the fields of Green Energy,Mechanical &Electrical Engineering,Marine Industry, etc.By providing both consulting services and resources aggregation, we link the fundamental technologies, entrepreneurship ecosystem,government resources, and service management for incubated companies . In addition, we also provide diversified incubationfacilities, co-working space,meeting and training rooms, and a production showroom. Welcome to join us. Incubation space:Office Space, Co-working Area, Meeting & Training Room, Exibition Showroom Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets Special facility or equipment:N/A |