


育成中心(Incubation Center)是以孕育新事業、新產品、新技術及協助中小企業升級轉型的場所,藉由提供進駐空間、儀器設備及研發技術、協尋資金、商務服務、管理諮詢等有效地結合多項資源,降低創業及研發初期的成本與風險,創造優良的培育環境,提高事業成功的機會。




  1. 降低創業及創新研發過程的投資費用與風險,增進初創業者及創新研發者的成功率。
  2. 助產業孕育計畫、開發新技術與新產品。
  3. 引導研發成果商品化。
  4. 提供產學研合作場所。
  5. 提供測試服務、加速產品開發。
  6. 輔導企業有關人才培訓、資金籌措、資訊提供及營運管理之諮詢服務。


  1. 空間與設備
    • 提供進駐空間及辦公設備。
    • 提供共用實驗設備、機械儀器與公共設施。
  2. 商務支援
    • 提供行銷或市場規劃等服務。
    • 規劃專業訓練課程與專題演講。
    • 協助宣傳展覽與推廣。
    • 提供投資、融資資訊或引介創業投資公司。
    • 提供法務諮詢或智慧財產權諮詢。
    • 協助申請政府科技研發相關計畫。
  3. 行政支援
    • 協助新創公司設立或營業登記。
    • 指導撰寫營運計畫書。
    • 協助建構各項對內(廠商與育成中心)或對外(廠商與廠商間)合約。
    • 軟、硬體管理與維護。
    • 門禁安全管理。
  4. 技術及人才支援
    • 諮詢輔導專家之專業人力。
    • 提供技術移轉或引介服務。
    • 提供產學合作服務。
    • 協助與科技研發單位合作及結盟。
  5. 資訊支援
    • 提供政府相關輔導資訊服務。
    • 協助蒐集產業、市場資訊或技術資訊。
    • 提供專業團體如同業公會、專業學會、協會等組織之合作網絡。

The Definition, Purposes, Functions and Services of Inucubation Centers

(I) Definition

Incubation Centers develop new businesses, new products, new technologies, and assist SMEs in upgrading and transforming themselves. They aim to reduce costs and risks for startups and early stage R&D by effectively combining resources such as office space, equipment and facilities, technology, fund sourcing, business services and management consulting. The creation of a superior cultivating environment at incubation centers will enhance any new venture's chance of success.

(II) Purposes

The construction of a robust and comprehensive platform to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship leads to the creation of new businesses. The flexible utilization and integration of domestic and overseas R&D resources, creates a superior environment for research and entrepreneurship and benefits the long-term development of SMEs. This enhances the competitiveness of SMEs, prompts the upgrade and transformation of industries and as a result, generates new impetus for the development of the national economy.

(III) Functions

  1. Reduces the investment risk associated with start-ups and R&D, thereby improving the success rate of entrepreneurs and innovators.
  2. Assists with incubation projects and helps with the development of new technologies and products.
  3. Enables the commercialization of R&D results.
  4. Provides a venue where academics and industry leaders can cooperate.
  5. Offers a testing services to speed up product development.
  6. Assist with consulting services in talent development, fund raising, information provision, management and other operations.

(VI) Services

  1. Space and Facilities
  2. Business Support
    • Provision of office space and facilities.
    • Provision of shared laboratory equipment, machinery instruments and public utilities.
    • Services in sales and marketing planning.
    • Planning for professional training curricula and speeches.
    • Assistance in promotions and exhibitions.
    • Provision of investing and financing information and introductions to venture capital companies.
    • Legal consulting or counsel services in intellectual properties.
    • Assistance in applications for government support of R&D projects.
  3. Space and Facilities
    • Assistance in new company set-ups or business registration.
    • Advice in the drafting of business plans.
    • Help with contract drafting with internal parties(between companies and incubation centers)or external parties(between companies).
    • Management and maintenance of software and hardware.
    • Building security management.
  4. Technical and Manpower Support
    • Professional consultants.
    • Services in technology transferor introduction.
    • Services in industry-academic cooperation.
    • Assistance in cooperation and strategicalliances with technology research institutions.
    • Legal consulting or counsel services in intellectual properties.
  5. Information Support
    • Snformation on support provided by government agencies.
    • Assistance in gathering industries,markets or technologies information.
    • Facilitating collaboration between industrial associations, specialist academic associations and other




  • 10042 臺北市中正區延平南路127號B1、4樓 
  • 電話:02-7756-6176 傳真:02-2331-7556
  • 服務信箱:pccuincubator01@gmail.com (我們將儘速依序處理您的來信,回信時間約7個工作天)
