

  • 培育領域:靑年培力育成、產業發展、文化扎根行銷
  • 單位介紹:甘樂文創致力打造在地「社區支持系統」,期許透過扶持在地青年創業育成、產業傳承及創新、地方文化故事採集等議題面向,並串聯各方資源建構社區支持系統,翻轉三峽的未來。
  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、展售中心
  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:



  • Area of focus:Nurturing Young Talent、 Industrial Transformation、Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Introduction:The CAN is Building an innovative sharing cycle with a social purpose, attach great importance to major issues of urban and rural development, foster and strengthen capacities of rural communities for self-organization for building social capital, our well-diversified plan across various areas, includes「 Nurturing Young Talent」、 「 Industrial Transformation 」、「 Cultural Heritage Preservation 」 and 「Strengthen the links between agriculture and other sectors of the rural economy」.
  • Incubation space:nurturing space, conference rooms, showrooms
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources
  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:共享經濟
  • 單位介紹:時答特成立於2016年,總公司位於新竹縣,主要服務是時間銀行線上平台,擁有超過10k的用戶在平台上交流技能和資源,Timelinker是一家包括資訊科技、區域振興、田野調查、藝術創作及人文建置提供創業陪伴及輔導,我們的使命是通過共享經濟與設計思考,帶來一個更美好的世界。
  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、展售/示中心
  • 服務功能:1空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.直接投資新創團隊 8.開拓國內市場通路
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:



  • Area of focus:Sharing economy
  • Introduction:Timelinker establish in 2016 based in Hsinchu Taiwan, its significant product is the time bank online platform which contains over 10k users to exchange their skills and resources daily.
    Timelinker’s mission is to bring out a better world through the concept of cradle to cradle and design thinking.
    Timelinker is a total solution provider which includes Information Tech, Regional revitalization, Field research, Art crafting and Humanities building
  • Incubation space:office space, conference rooms, showrooms
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Investment 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 
  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:數位經濟、文創科技、觀光休閒
  • 單位介紹:鹿港囝仔公司創立於 2012年,專注於餐飲食品、文創工藝、觀光展演體驗等青年創業領域,營運主軸著重地方生活環境營造,降低青年進入地方的門檻,作為青年進入地方生活的第一站。
  • 提供空間形式:個人/團體辦公空間、會議空間、講座教學
  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助申請政府創業資源
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:

The Kids From Lukang Co., Ltd.

The Kids From Lukang Co., Ltd.

  • Area of focus:Digital Economy, Cultural and Creative Technology, Tourism and Leisure Industry
  • Introduction:' The Kids From Lukang Co., Ltd. ’ is managed by a group of youngsters who returned to their hometown and founded the company in 2012.
    Concerning on the local issues and especially the Lukang township area, the company played the role as the cultural hub which provides local youth incubator program, cultural and creative-related courses as well as the local-based tourism experience.
    As aiming to welcome more youngsters returning to their hometown for preserving the local lifestyle, we are always happy to be the one to help.
  • Incubation space:Individual/Group Office, Meeting room, Workshop
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Application for government resources
  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:文創科技、新農業、觀光休閒
  • 單位介紹:「希望每一個來到這裡的人都充滿創意,並且快樂得像個孩子。」座落於雲林縣古坑鄉,一間結合文創手作、花藝設計、多肉園藝的工作坊。以社會企業的理念經營,陪伴青年創業,在雲林好好生活,與在地共存共榮。
  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、共同工作空間
  • 服務功能:1.辦理活動及課程 2.提供業師輔導 3.協助申請政府創業資源
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:

Strong Love Culture SE Ltd.

Strong Love Culture SE Ltd.

  • Area of focus:Cultural and creative technology、new agriculture、Tourism and Recreation
  • Introduction:「We hope that everyone who comes is full of creativity and happy like a child.」Located in Gukeng, Yunlin, a workshop combining cultural and creative handicrafts, floral design, and succulent gardening. As a social enterprise, accompany young people to start their own businesses, live a good life in Yunlin, and coexist and prosper with the locals.
  • Incubation space:office space、conference rooms、co-working space
  • Service Provided:1.Events and courses 2.Consultants and Mentorship 3.Application for government resources
  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:文創科技、觀光休閒
  • 單位介紹:山海屯社會企業致力於輔導地方特色產業發展,並回饋到地方文化資產保存與活化。同時,積極媒合創業者進駐歷史老屋,引導其融合地方文化、物產與支持系統,開發具在地特色之商品與服務,藉此打造地方創生事業的共生機制。
  • 提供空間形式:工作空間、會議室、展售/示中心 
  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助產品開發與小量試製 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.開拓國內市場通路
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:地方歷史街屋

Mogather CO., LTD

Mogather CO., LTD

  • Area of focus:Creative Industries ,Leisure and Tourism
  • Introduction:Dedicating to building up local industry and giving the heritage a chance to shine and be used properly. Meanwhile, working on recruiting like-minded people to settle down in the place and encouraging them to use local elements as inspiration for their products and designs. Creating the environment for both old history and new creativity to stay harmoniously.
  • Incubation space:workshop space, meeting room, display space
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 
  • Special facility or equipment:historical buildings




  • 培育領域:電子資訊、數位經濟、文創科技
  • 單位介紹:「璉騰有限公司」為南部共享經濟平台領導品牌,匯集多元跨領域資源,為高雄在地創新企業打造出新穎式創業服務生態系資源,成功串連產官學資源並打破傳統空間上的侷限,致力於在地的數位創新與新興科技推廣,並期望將高雄打造成宜居宜創業的新興科技城市,其相關企業「道騰國際商務中心」為南部創業交流社群暨教育培訓機構之一,透過創意的空間發想打造出有別於傳統制式模式,提供創新產業一個多元文化、沉浸式體驗空間、創新商模和塑造等創新量能的共享平台。
  • 提供空間形式:獨立辦公空間、共同工作空間、展示空間、百人活動場地、50 人及 30 人訓練教室、12人會議室、多功能室、小型討論空間、VIP 培育室
  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助申請政府創業資源 5.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 6.開拓國內市場通路 7. 對接國外市場通路 8.可提供公司登記 9.異業合作 10.鏈結在地市場、技術及資源 
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:共享廚房設備、擴增實境、虛擬實境、小型直播室

Talent V Incubator ( Lian Teng Ltd.)


  • Area of focus:Electronic Information, Digital Economy, Cultural and Crea- tive Technology
  • Introduction:Talent V Incubator ( Lian Teng Ltd.) is the leading brand in the sharing economy platform of the south area.
    We have the different resources and have been created the new startup ecosystem for the local companies in Kaohsiung. Furthermore, we've been connected through cooperation of industry- government-university and focus on promoting the digital innovations and the emerging technologies.
    We hope to build the livable and starting up cities in Kaohsiung.
    Besides, “DAO TENG International Business Hub” is one of the training institutions between the startup and community. We’ve built the creativity space compared with the traditional model and offer the sharing platform of the multicultural, the immersive experience space and the innovative business model etc. to the startups.
  • Incubation space:Private office, Co-working space, Show room, Conference space for 100 people, Training space for 50 & 30 people, Meeting room for 12 persons, Multipurpose room, the small discussion space and the VIP Training room
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Application for government resources 5.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 7.Access to international markets 8.Address open for the company registration 9.Connect the local markets technologies and the resources
  • Special facility or equipment:Sharing Kitchen equipment, VR, AR, XR, On-air studio




  • 培育領域:青年創業、農業、農遊、海洋聚落、原民產業與文創產業等
  • 單位介紹:於2016年5月成立,致力於在地產業推動與輔導工作,包括包裝設計、諮詢輔導、主題活動辦理、創業交流活動、投資評估、政府補助計畫申請輔導等,提供共同空間使用,讓創業初期與資源缺乏的青年有完善的創業場域。
  • 提供空間形式:培育室, 會議室, 展售/展示中心
  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助申請政府創業資源 5.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 6.開拓國內市場通路 7. 可提供公司登記
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:

GrandStone Business Consulting Co., Ltd.

 GrandStone Business Consulting Co., Ltd.

  • Area of focus:Youth entrepreneurship, agricultural enterprises, agricultural tourism, marine settlements, indigenous industries and cultural and creative industries, etc.
  • Introduction:Established in May 2016, it is committed to the promotion and counseling work in the real estate industry, including packaging design, consulting and counseling, theme event management, entrepreneurial exchange activities, investment evaluation, government subsidy program application counseling, etc., providing a common space for the use of entrepreneurship There are perfect entrepreneurial fields for young people who are in the early stages and lack resources
  • Incubation space:Cultivation Room, Conference Room, Exhibition/Exhibition Center
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Application for government resources 5.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 7.Address open for the company registration
  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:青年創業、文創產業
  • 單位介紹:邸TaiDang是台東第一個結合展售、教室、共同工作空間的創育基地場域,針對台東業者的需求打造面對面接觸市場的展售空間,並結合系列輔導創育訓練與商業行銷服務,並建置聯合行銷平台。更以創業家實戰營,全面強化青創職能
  • 提供空間形式:會議室, 展售空間,共同工作空間
  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助產品開發與小量試製 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路
  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:

de taidang Creative Base

de taidang Creative Base

  • Area of focus:Youth Entrepreneurship、 Cultural and creative industry
  • Introduction:De TaiDang is the first innovation and education base in Taitung that combines exhibition and sales, classrooms and co-working space, creating a face-to-face market exhibition and sales space according to the needs of Taitung industry players, and combining a series of tutoring and education training and business marketing services, and building a joint marketing platform. It also uses the practical camp for entrepreneurs to comprehensively strengthen the function of youth entrepreneurship
  • Incubation space:office space, conference rooms, showrooms, co-working space
  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 
  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 10042 臺北市中正區延平南路127號B1、4樓 
  • 電話:02-7756-6176 傳真:02-2331-7556
  • 服務信箱:pccuincubator01@gmail.com (我們將儘速依序處理您的來信,回信時間約7個工作天)
