

  • 培育領域:綠電及再生能源產業、資訊及數位產業、海洋科技

  • 單位介紹:高科大為我國規模最大之科技大學,擁有豐富學研能量與產業鏈結。本中心培育聚焦領域為綠能、電機/機械、海洋,結合科技應用、創業生態系、政府資源、服務管理等面向,提供進駐廠商全面性諮商輔導與資源串接服務。

  • 提供空間形式:多樣式培育空間、會議室、共享空間、新創培訓交流場域、成果發表暨產品展示空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


Innovation and Incubation Center, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

Innovation and Incubation Center, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

  • Area of focus:Green Energy,Mechanical &Electrical Engineering,Marine Industry

  • Introduction:NKUST Innovation and Incubation Center focuses on the fields of Green Energy,Mechanical &Electrical Engineering,Marine Industry, etc.By providing both consulting services and resources aggregation, we link the fundamental technologies, entrepreneurship ecosystem,government resources, and service management for incubated companies . In addition, we also provide diversified incubationfacilities, co-working space,meeting and training rooms, and a production showroom. Welcome to join us.

  • Incubation space:Office Space, Co-working Area, Meeting & Training Room, Exibition Showroom

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets 

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:臺灣精準健康產業(生物技術、新藥研發、創新醫材、智慧醫療)

  • 單位介紹:南港生技育成中心位於南港軟體園區,近南港展覽館與高鐵站,聚焦醫藥、精準醫療。2018年啟動數位健康國際加速器計畫,與全球最大非營利加速器MC、NEMIC合作,逐漸轉型為複合式的創新育成中心。

  • 提供空間形式:獨立培育單位 、共用工作空間、會議室、展示區、共用同實驗室 、專用實驗室: 無塵室、負壓室、P2組織培養室等

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助申請政府創業資源 5.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 6.可提供公司登記7.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:無塵室、負壓室、P2組織培養室


NanKang Biotech Incubation Center

Development Center for Biotechnology│Nankang Biotech Incubation Center

  • Area of focus:Taiwan Precision Health Industry(Biotechnology, New Drug R&D, Medical Device, Smart Healthcare)

  • Introduction:The NanKang Biotech Incubation Center (NBIC) was established in 2004 as a subsidiary of the Development Center for Biotechnology, a non-profit research institute founded in 1984. NBIC is located in NanKang Software Park, a 15-minute walk from THSR station and a 10-minute drive to the National Biotechnology Research Park. It is a place where you can enjoy work and life. NBIC offers a combination of startup incubation and acceleration services. In addition to shared wet labs, benches, co-working spaces, and meeting rooms, NBIC provides mentoring, networking opportunities, workshops, soft-landing and government grants&fundraising assistance .

  • Incubation space:Independent Incubation Units, Co-working Spaces, Meeting Rooms, Exhibition Area, Shared Laboratories, Clean Room, Negative Pressure Room, Tissue Culture Room.

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Application for government resources 5.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 6.Address open for the company registration 7.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:Clean room, Negative pressure room, Tissue culture room




  • 培育領域:臺灣精準健康產業

  • 單位介紹:成功大學產學創新總中心為本校專責於新創、專利、技轉、產學之專責單位,推動校內研發成果商業化,促進國內各項產業技術發展。

  • 提供空間形式:辦公室、會議室、共同工作空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


NCKU Innovation Headquarters

NCKU Innovation Headquarters

  • Area of focus:Taiwan Precision Health Industry

  • Introduction:National Cheng Kung University Innovation Headquarters is the department responsible for overseeing startups, patents, technology transfer, and industry-academia cooperation at the university. Its main objectives are to promote the commercialization of research and technology on campus and to facilitate the development of various industrial technologies in Taiwan.

  • Incubation space:Office, Meeting Room, Coworking Space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 8.Address open for the company registration

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:資訊及數位產業

  • 單位介紹:本中心以健全的產學組織功能與優質的輔導能量,匯聚中原41個特色研究中心資源,積極推動重點研究領域發展、專利技術移轉、師生創業輔導等,致力建構多元與豐富之創新創業生態系統,培育新創企業創新轉型走向國際。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、展示中心

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.直接投資新創團隊 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:3D列印機、直播設備、雷射雕刻機


Chung Yuan Christian University Industry Accelerator&Incubation Center

 Chung Yuan Christian University Industry Accelerator&Incubation Center

  • Area of focus:Information and Digital Industry

  • Introduction:IAIC with comprehensive industry-academia organization function and high-quality guidance capacity gathers resources from 41 characteristic-research centers in CYCU. Our center actively promotes the development about key research fields, patents and technology transfer and entrepreneurial guidance for teachers and students. Strive to build a diverse and rich innovation entrepreneurship ecosystem and foster new venture to internationalize.

  • Incubation space:nurturing space,meeting room,Exhibition space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Investment 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets 

  • Special facility or equipment:3D printer,Live-stream equipment,Laser engraver




  • 培育領域:資訊及數位產業(雲端軟體、民生消費科技、文化創意科技)

  • 單位介紹:YEZ國際加速器為專業的融資加速器,整合悅智全球顧問20年超過百個中大型企業顧問經驗、YEZ約見平台超過100位產業顧問資源,以及Dreamhub創投融資能量,協助新創優化商業模式、制訂最適市場策略,來拓展國際市場並完成融資。

  • 提供空間形式:會議室

  • 服務功能:1.活動及課程辦理 2.提供業師輔導 3.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 4.直接投資新創團隊 5.開拓國內市場通路 6.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


YEZ Accelerator

YEZ Accelerator

  • Area of focus:Information & Digital Industries(Cloud Computing & Software Technology, Consumer Industry, Cultural & Creative Industries)

  • Introduction:YEZ Accelerator is a professional fundraising accelerator. It integrates the consulting experience of more than 100 medium and large-scale enterprise consulting experience from Atelligent Global Consulting Corp. for more than 20 years, the resources of more than 100 industry consultants on the YEZ.one appointment platform, and the advantages of venture capital, Dreamhub, to assist startups in optimizing business models, formulating the most suitable market strategy to expand the international market and complete the fundraising.

  • Incubation space:Conference rooms

  • Service Provided:1.Events and courses 2.Consultants and Mentorship 3.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 4.Investment 5.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 6.Access to international markets 

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:電子資訊

  • 單位介紹:財團法人時代基金會 Garage+ 為亞太區國際級的非營利育成中心, 受到三十餘家台灣龍頭企業的支持;MIT CSAIL 實驗室唯一海外合作育成夥伴,每年超過 500 個、來自全球的技術型新創申請加入,是鏈結企業與新創最好的橋樑。

  • 提供空間形式:獨立辦公室、共同工作空間、會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助申請政府創業資源 5.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


Epoch Foundation

Epoch Foundation

  • Area of focus:TMT

  • Introduction:Epoch Foundation, founded in 1991 with the mission of facilitating industrial development and economic prosperity, has been representing 20 Taiwan-based blue-chip companies closely allying with the world's top-notch academic institutes like MIT and UC Berkeley. Epoch has been serving as the liaison office to bridge and consolidate the resources between academic and private sectors, with programs focused on three areas: industry and academia's research collaborations, industrial and economic policies, and entrepreneurial talent education.

  • Incubation space:Office Space, Co-working Space, Conference Rooms

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Application for government resources 5.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:資訊及數位產業

  • 單位介紹:臺科育成建構全方位新創生態系,積極與校友及國際共創合作,為國際創育機構及創櫃版推薦登錄單位。目前已輔導逾兩百家新創企業,七家上市櫃。中心十三度獲全國優育成中心獎項,亦獲AABI亞洲最佳育成中心。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、創客空間、共同工作空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:3D列印機、雷射雕刻機、 CNC雕刻加工機、25個校級研究中心、貴重儀器中心


Business Incubation Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Business Incubation Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

  • Area of focus:Information and Digital Industries

  • Introduction:BIC at NTUST was established in 1998. It is designed to help the economy revive through innovative business and technological developments.
    The purpose of the BIC at NTUST is to offer facilities and services to help entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses developing advanced technologies and new business bases. Hopefully, with all these efforts, economic development in Taiwan will move into a higher level.

  • Incubation space:office space, conference rooms,maker space, co-working space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets 

  • Special facility or equipment:3D printer, laser engraver, CNC engraving ande milling machine, 25 research centers, Instrumentation Center




  • 培育領域:資訊及數位科技、綠能科技、循環經濟

  • 單位介紹:有效整合本校於商學、管理、工程科技、技術推廣及資訊等相關能量,結合技術授權中心,推動創業育成與技術授權相關業務,提供所有進駐企業包含科技創新研發、商務服務、管理訓練、資金挹注、技術支援等多項功能的整體服務。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、共同工作空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路 8.募資與股權設計輔導、企業永續與減碳輔導

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:X光光電子能譜儀、掃描式針顯微鏡、冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡等


Feng Chia University Business Incubation Center

Feng Chia University Business Incubation Center

  • Area of focus:ICT、Green Energy Technology、Circular Economy

  • Introduction:As a part of “R&D, incubation, university-industry collaboration Zone of FCU”, BIC provides enterprises in the CTSP and satellite companies around central Taiwan by integrating business incubation and technology licensing. BIC has been assisting tenants commercializing technologies and technology transfers for 7 years.
    Working under a unique “Business Incubation + Technology Licensing” model, BIC has provided new and fast services by playing professional and multi-functional roles.
    Taking advantage of R&D resources, facility, and administrative network from the University, BIC provides local companies technology services.

  • Incubation space:office space, meeting room, co-working space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 8.Fundraising and Equity Design counseling 9.Corporate Sustainability and Carbon Reduction counseling

  • Special facility or equipment:XPS、SPM/AFM、FE-SEM




  • 培育領域:民生與戰備領域

  • 單位介紹:石資中心使命為推展與輔導東部產業,主要以輔導「石材、深層海水及地方特色」為三大核心產業,協助建立自主關鍵技術及創新服務系統,同時促成在地產業聚落,並依其區域特色資源推動地方創生,進而走入國際市場。

  • 提供空間形式:會議室, 展售/示中心

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:專業實驗設施、檢測平台、行銷通路(官網與蝦皮商城)


Stone&Resource Industry R&D Center

Stone&Resource Industry R&D Center

  • Area of focus:Livelihood and combat readiness Areas

  • Introduction:The mission of Stone & Resource Industry R&D Center (SRDC) is to promote and coach industries in eastern Taiwan. It mainly focuses on coaching "stone, deep sea water and local culture industries" as the three cores, assists in establishing independent key technologies and innovative service systems. At the same time, SRDC promotes local industrial clusters and promote local innovation based on its regional characteristic resources, and then enter the international market.

  • Incubation space:conference rooms, showrooms

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets 11.Address open for the company registration

  • Special facility or equipment:Lab facilities, Testing platform, Marketing channels (official mall and Shopee)




  • 培育領域:民生及戰備產業

  • 單位介紹:國立東華大學創新育成中心以專業建立企業服務與輔導的平台,有效運用政府、學校及企業資源,於技術開發、空間、諮詢、行政支援、教育訓練等層面,協助企業解決經營、行銷、管理、研發等問題,提昇東部企業競爭力。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路 8.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:本中心無,但可與校內教師合作洽談使用。


National Dong Hwa University Industrial Innovation Incubation Center

 National Dong Hwa University Industrial Innovation Incubation Center

  • Area of focus:Tourism industry、New Agriculture、Cultural and Creative Industry&Technology、Biotechnology、Research and development services(R&D services)

  • Introduction:National Dong Hwa University Industrial Innovation Incubation Center is the bridge connected between industries and universities.We build a platform of the company services and consultation for the enterprises to efficiently take good uses of the resources from the government, school systems and enterprises. And we render assistance to the small and medium industries in the levels of the technology provide, space planning, consultancy service, administration supports and education training to offer the guidance and helps to the small and medium industries how to engage in business, and solve the problems of R&D, marketing, and management in order to raise the enterprises, competiveness of eastern Taiwan.

  • Incubation space:office space, conference rooms

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 8.Access to international markets 

  • Special facility or equipment:Working with professors & labs on campus




  • 培育領域:民生及戰備產業

  • 單位介紹:鞋技育成中心從過去的生活科技產業延伸到數位生活與健康科技產業應用,導入創新服務模式設計及整合品牌行銷推廣。

  • 提供空間形式:培育空間、共同工作空間、會議室、實驗室、展示場

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路 8.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:3D印表機、雷射切割機、鞋品打樣設備、袋包打樣設備、自動上膠中後幫機、鞋頭/後踵定型機、熱壓機、鞋面定型機、CNC加工機、精密製楦機、靴面定型機、鞋面針車、袋包針車、發泡材料設備、彩色噴墨


Footwear & Recreation Technology Research Institute

Footwear&Recreation Technology Research Institute

  • Area of focus:Livelihood & Strategic Industries

  • Introduction:FRT has extended its expertise from the living technology industry to applications in digital living and health technology industries. Nowadays, It has introduced innovative service model designs and integrated brand marketing promotions.

  • Incubation space:Office space, Conference rooms

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 8.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Altum Designer, CNC,3D Printing speed, Laser printer




  • 培育領域:民生及戰備產業

  • 單位介紹:熱塑碳纖維與食農雙軌輔導。將熱塑碳纖維技術,擴展至航太、低軌衛星與電動車等產業,協助產業發展、媒合異業合作。由農電共生出發,技術深化食農產業,導入ESGs,鏈結國際。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、共用實驗室、展示中心、專利檢索及分析室、多功能會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路。

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:微奈米科技、精密微製程減振潔淨共用實驗室、半導體製程實驗室、基因體與計算智慧實驗室植物生物科技實驗室


Innovation and Incubation Center, National Formosa University

Innovation and Incubation Center, National Formosa University

  • Area of focus:Livelihood & Strategic Industries

  • Introduction:We primarily focus on coaching in two main directions: thermoplastic carbon fiber technology and food agriculture. In the first area of focus, we expand the application of thermoplastic carbon fiber technology to industries such as aerospace, low-earth orbit satellites, and electric vehicles. We aid in industry development and facilitate cooperation among different industrial manufacturers. In the second area, we start with agrivoltaics as a foundation, incorporating smart technology and food processing techniques into the industry. This enhances corporate ESGs and assists manufacturers in entering international markets.

  • Incubation space:Incubation room,meeting room,Shared laboratory,Exhibition Center,co-working space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets 

  • Special facility or equipment:Micro-nanometer technology equipments, micro-processing labs, semiconductor process labs, genetic and computation labs.


嘉易創有限公司(嘉易創 創育中心)

嘉易創有限公司(嘉易創 創育中心)

  • 培育領域:民生及戰備產業、生物技術

  • 單位介紹:嘉易創有限公司在創新孵化產業中進行諮詢已近20年,我們陪伴300家以上中小企業成長茁壯,也與學術單位、地方政府合作共同培力近120組的青創團隊,更串聯全國22縣市的地方青年投入創生活動,推動地方發展。

  • 提供空間形式:總培育空間:15間、會議室2間、展示場1間、創客空間1間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:液相層析串聯質譜儀、胺基酸分析儀、黴菌毒素分析儀、高效液相層析質譜儀、高效液相層析儀、粗纖維消化器、氣相層析質譜儀、原子吸收光譜儀、生物安全操作台、真空減壓濃縮機、冷房設備、真空冷凍乾燥機。




  • Area of focus:Livelihood & Strategic Industries, Biotechnology

  • Introduction:Plus One Innovation have been engaged in SME counseling for nearly 20 years.We have accompanied the growth of over 300 small and medium-sized enterprises and collaborated with academic institutions and local governments to jointly empower nearly 120 youth entrepreneurial teams in crafting their business blueprints. Furthermore, we have connected with young individuals across all 22 counties and cities nationwide, injecting vitality into local development through entrepreneurial activities.

  • Incubation space:Incubation Space, Meeting Rooms, Showground, Makerspace

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:LC/MS, Amino Acid Analyser, Mycotoxin Analyzer, High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer, GC-MS, Raw Fiber Analyzer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Biohazard Safety Cabinet, Rotary Evaporator, cooling facilities, Freeze Dryer System




  • 10042 臺北市中正區延平南路127號B1、4樓 
  • 電話:02-7756-6176 傳真:02-2331-7556
  • 服務信箱:pccuincubator01@gmail.com (我們將儘速依序處理您的來信,回信時間約7個工作天)
