

  • 培育領域:民生化工(美妝保養)

  • 單位介紹:擁有近60年歷史的台灣奇士美集團洞燭市場先機,率先啟動濕熱氣候肌膚保養基礎研究,從台灣出發,整合原料與技術,希冀研發以濕熱氣候為主的美妝生態圈,T-Dimensional Beauty因此而誕生。

  • 提供空間形式:會議室、百貨一樓展售中心、進駐空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2. 活動及課程辦理 3. 提供業師輔導 4. 研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:膚質檢測儀、AI 膚質檢測系統、高壓均質設備


Taiwan Kiss Me Cosmetics Co., LTD.


  • Area of focus:Consumer Goods, Chemical Industries

  • Introduction:With nearly 60 years dedicated in beauty industry, Taiwan Kiss Me Group took the lead in conducting research studies on skin care philosophy specifically for tropical climates, integrating raw materials and technologies in Taiwan, and hoping to develop a beauty ecosystem based on hot and humid weather, thus T-Dimensional Beauty was born.

  • Incubation space:Meeting Room, Sales Counter (1F of Department stores), Co-working Space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:Skin Analysis, AI Skin Detection System, High Pressure Homogenizer




  • 培育領域:電子資訊、AIoT物聯、智慧醫療

  • 單位介紹:北科大育成中心成立至今已逾20年,榮獲9次績優育成及專業經理人獎項肯定。以母組織之教育為本,設計一條龍的培育機制,並建立評估反饋機制,打造學校接軌企業的橋梁,積極為培育廠商打造國際能見度,打造正循環運作的「創新創業循環生態系」。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室, 會議室, 共同工作空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:3D列印機、工廠型實驗室


Innovation and Incubation Center of National Taipei University of Technology (IICNTUT)


  • Area of focus:Biotech medicine、Electric Machinery、Electronic information

  • Introduction:IICNTUT has been subsidized by government and established innovative incubator for over 20 years. Moreover, the Center has been awarded 9 times of Excellent Incubator and Outstanding Professional Manager by Ministry of Economic Affairs.
    IICNTUT base on education of the parent organization and set up a one-stop coaching and training mechanism, and establish the evaluation feedback mechanism, hope to build a school is in line with the bridge of the enterprise, actively to cultivate vendor lay the international market, increase international visibility, to assist the exhibitors from home and abroad, make enterprises grow into mature enterprise, created positive recurrence of “a startup innovative business and entrepreneurship ecological cycle”.

  • Incubation space:Cultivation room、meeting room、co-working space、maker space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:3D printer, Fab laboratory




  • 培育領域:電子資訊(AI、5G)、生技醫藥

  • 單位介紹:TWSC台智雲以 TWCC 臺灣 AI 雲提供超級電腦 AIHPC 高速運算,助攻產業數位發展所需的 AI 智慧應用服務及雲架構解決方案,協助企業有效縮短研發週期並實現數位轉型。

  • 提供空間形式:培育空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路 8.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


Taiwan Web Service Corporation

Taiwan Web Service Corporation

  • Area of focus:AI, 5G, Biotechnology & Medicine

  • Introduction:Taiwan Web Service Corporation (TWSC) was founded in 2021. Using Taiwan’s AI cloud TWCC platform services, it launched a commercial high performance computing AIHPC supercomputer for the service industry in Asia.

  • Incubation space:office space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:精準醫療、高齡長照、新藥開發、疫苗開發、保健食品、醫療器材

  • 單位介紹:國家衛生研究院技轉及育成中心對內提供智慧財產管理及評估等服務,對外積極與學研單位及產業界合作,並設有新創育成中心提供新創產業發展的資源及空間,為連結產學研的多元橋樑協助本院引領我國生技醫藥科技研發成果商化加值與新創產業培育的任務。

  • 提供空間形式:辦公室、會議室,實驗室,交誼區

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 6.開拓國內市場通路 7.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:核心儀器設施中心


Technology Transfer and Incubation Center of National Health Research Institutes

Technology Transfer and Incubation Center of National Health Research Institutes

  • Area of focus:Precision medicine、Aging and long-term care、New Drug、Vaccine development、Nutritional supplements、Medical devices or materials

  • Introduction:The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) Technology Transfer & Incubation Center (TTIC) provides intramural intellectual property management services and facilitates extramural collaboration with academic, research institution and industries. The TTIC also provides resources and spaces for innovative industrial developments. By bridging the academia, research institution and industries, the TTIC offers assistance in implementing NHRI’s mission on “strengthening pharmaceutical health research and promoting health and welfare for all”.

  • Incubation space:office spaces, meeting rooms, conference rooms, laboratories

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 7.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:Core instrument Center


雄獅旅行社股份有限公司( NextT旅創加速器)

雄獅旅行社股份有限公司( NEXTT旅創加速器)

  • 培育領域:數位經濟(旅遊科技、文旅體驗、生活風格)

  • 單位介紹:台灣第一個針對「旅遊科技、在地文旅體驗、生活風格」之新創加速器,藉由訂製化育成方案,協助創業團隊資本規劃、國際商務鏈結、人才招募與雇主品牌、永續知識學習運用,目標為打造亞太旅遊生活創育中心。

  • 提供空間形式:辦公室、會議室、靜態活動場地

  • 服務功能:1. 空間及場域提供 2. 活動及課程辦理 3. 提供業師輔導 4, 協助產品開發與小量試製 5, 協助申請政府創業資源 6, 取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7. 開拓國內市場通路8. 對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


NextT Accelerator

Lion Travel - NextT Accelerator

  • Area of focus:Digital Economy, Tourism Technology, Cultural & Tourism experience, Lifestyle

  • Introduction:The first Accelerator focsuing on Travel Tech, Cultural Experience and Lifestyle domains in Taiwan. Through customized empowerment projects, NextT helps startups on investment planning, global business connecting, talent recruiting and employer branding, sustainable knowledge learning, etc., aiming at becoming a platform for tourism & living-related entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific region.

  • Incubation space:Office Room, Meeting Room, Event venue

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Investment 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:生技醫藥(生物科技、醫療科技、生技醫電、醫療器材、保健食品、健康照護、生技保健)

  • 單位介紹:大健康產業加速器是由南良集團旗下嘉良生技與創育機構-嘉易創創育中心共同合作成立,運用集團經營的七大事業體與六大產業資源,共同建構協助新創事業的企業加速器,以互惠合作、技術合作夥伴結盟等機制加速新創成長

  • 提供空間形式:進駐空間、會議室、展售/展示中心、共同工作空間間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:黴菌毒素分析儀、高效液相分析質譜儀、氣相層析質譜儀、生物安全操作臺、超音波萃取試量產設備、真空冷凍乾燥機等


GREENRAYS INTERNATIONAL(The Great Health Industry Accelerator)


  • Area of focus:Biotechnology、Medical Technology、Biotechnology Medical Electronics、Medical Equipment、Dietary Supplement、Occupational Health、Biomedical Care

  • Introduction:The Great Health Industry Accelerator is jointly established by GREENRAYS INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD., a subsidiary of NAM LIONG GROUP, and Plus one Innovation, a local Incubator Institutions. NAM LIONG GROUP is expected to be provided for more than 40 years Industry experiences, besides there are seven business entities and six industrial resources operated by the group and co-construct a business accelerator to assist new ventures with an incubator innovation institutions. Accelerate the growth of new innovations through mutually beneficial cooperation, providing marketing, supply chain, and technical partner alliance mechanisms. Continuously focus on technology and innovation, so that the group and Taiwan's new innovations can continuously improve their competitiveness on the world stage, and actively create a healthy, happy and joyful entrepreneurial ecology.

  • Incubation space:Office space, Conference rooms, Showrooms, Co-working space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:CTMS, AAA, Mycotoxin analyzer, etc.



嘉易創有限公司(嘉易創 創育中心)

  • 培育領域:民生及戰備產業、生物技術

  • 單位介紹:嘉易創有限公司在創新孵化產業中進行諮詢已近20年,我們陪伴300家以上中小企業成長茁壯,也與學術單位、地方政府合作共同培力近120組的青創團隊,更串聯全國22縣市的地方青年投入創生活動,推動地方發展。

  • 提供空間形式:總培育空間:15間、會議室2間、展示場1間、創客空間1間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:液相層析串聯質譜儀、胺基酸分析儀、黴菌毒素分析儀、高效液相層析質譜儀、高效液相層析儀、粗纖維消化器、氣相層析質譜儀、原子吸收光譜儀、生物安全操作台、真空減壓濃縮機、冷房設備、真空冷凍乾燥機。


Plus One Innovation


  • Area of focus:Livelihood & Strategic Industries, Biotechnology

  • Introduction:Plus One Innovation have been engaged in SME counseling for nearly 20 years.We have accompanied the growth of over 300 small and medium-sized enterprises and collaborated with academic institutions and local governments to jointly empower nearly 120 youth entrepreneurial teams in crafting their business blueprints. Furthermore, we have connected with young individuals across all 22 counties and cities nationwide, injecting vitality into local development through entrepreneurial activities.

  • Incubation space:Incubation Space, Meeting Rooms, Showground, Makerspace

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:LC/MS, Amino Acid Analyser, Mycotoxin Analyzer, High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer, GC-MS, Raw Fiber Analyzer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Biohazard Safety Cabinet, Rotary Evaporator, cooling facilities, Freeze Dryer System




  • 培育領域:綠能科技、智慧載具

  • 單位介紹:臺塑貨運定向聚焦於「綠能科技」之電動車培育產業,成立「智慧載具創業加速器」,鏈結產學效益共同扶植新創企業,期許藉由大企業帶領小企業,共創合作打造電動商用汽車國產化,推動零碳動力商用電動貨卡產業生態系。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、展示中心

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:專業實驗設施、檢測平台




  • Area of focus:Green Energy Technology、Intelligent Vehicle

  • Introduction:FPTC focuses on "green energy technology" with the electric vehicle cultivation as its main concern and establishes the "Intelligent Vehicle Entrepreneurship Accelerator" to link the benefits of industry and academia to jointly promote the cultivation of new ventures. We hope that leading businesses will cooperate with the developing ones to build the localization of electric commercial vehicles with a further intention of promoting the zero-carbon power commercial electric truck industry ecosystem..

  • Incubation space:Office Space, Conference Rooms, Showrooms

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:Lab facilities, Testing platform




  • 培育領域:綠能科技、電子資訊、高齡產業

  • 單位介紹:明志育成以母組織的三大學院及各研究中心為主軸,透過「螺旋式育成輔導」機制交迭產官學研的成果與能量,轉化成企業生產力,期許創建一個實踐連續性綠能科技與高齡智慧照護產業創新生態系。

  • 提供空間形式:培育室、會議室、展示中心、共同工作空間

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.辦理活動及課程 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路 11.可提供公司登記

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:智慧醫療研究中心、人工智慧暨資料科學研究中心、有機電子研究中心、可靠度工程研究中心、智慧載具研發中心、生化工程技術研發中心、中草藥萃取與純化中心、環境永續與人類健康研究中心、電漿與薄膜科技中心、綠色能源電池研究中心


Ming Chi University of Technology Innovation & Incubation Center

Ming Chi University of Technology Innovation & Incubation Center

  • Area of focus:Green Energy Technology, Electronic and Information Technology, Gerontechnology

  • Introduction:MCUTIIC is devoted to advancing research and development of technologies across three colleges. Through the "spiral innovation incubation counseling model of the MCUTIIC" mechanism, we seamlessly integrate expertise and resources of industry, government, research and academia to drive enterprise productivity. We aim to establish a robust and sustainable innovation ecosystem, focusing on practical applications in green energy technology and smart elder-care industry.

  • Incubation space:Office Space, Conference Rooms, Showrooms, Co-working Space

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 6.Application for government resources 7.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Access to international markets 11.Address open for the company registration

  • Special facility or equipment:Research Center for Intelligent Medical Devices, Center for Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Organic Electronics Research Center, Center for Reliability Engineering, Intelligent Vehicle Research and Development Center, Biochemical Technology R&D Center, Chinese Herbal Medicine Center, Center for Environmental Sustainability and Human Health, Center for Plasma and Thin Film Technologies, Battery Research Center of Green Energy and other related equipment.




  • 培育領域:民生化工(餐飲服務)

  • 單位介紹:三商餐飲擁有10個多元餐飲品牌,超過400間店面,深耕約40年,透過成立「台灣新創美食加速器」串聯農場到餐桌,期許打造生產、加工、販售的六級產業鏈,達成「輔導台灣餐飲產品立足台灣、銷售世界」的美好願景。

  • 提供空間形式:實驗廚房、會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.協助產品開發與小量試製 5.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 6.開拓國內市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:廚房設備


Mercuries F&B Co.,Ltd - Taiwan F&B Startup Accelerator


  • Area of focus:Livelihood & Strategic Industries (Catering Service)

  • Introduction:Mercuries F&B Co.,Ltd, owning 10 of variety brands, more than 400 stores, has continued to devote time and effort about 40 years. Through the establishment of the "Taiwan New Culinary Startup Accelerator," it aims to connect farmland to tables and hopes to build a six-grade industry chain that includes production, processing, and sales. The objective is to achieve the beautiful vision of helping Taiwanese F&B industry to establish a strong presence in Taiwan and to sell globally.

  • Incubation space:Kitchen Space、Meeting Room

  • Service Provided:1.Consultants and Mentorship 2.R&D resources 3.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 4.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 5.Investment 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 7.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:Kitchenware




  • 培育領域:商業創新應用、數位轉型、永續商業模式設計

  • 單位介紹:精於商學教育,注重商業創新設計、數位應用及實務教學,以培養具有優異品格及專業能力的商管創新人才為己任。

  • 提供空間形式:育成中心、會議室、多功能研討室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助申請政府創業資源

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


National Taipei University of Business


  • Area of focus:Business Innovation Applications, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Business Model Design

  • Introduction:Our school specializes in business education, focusing on business innovation design, digital applications, and practical teaching, with the mission to cultivate

  • Incubation space:Business Incubation Center, Conference room, Multifunctional seminar rooms

  • Service Provided:1.Consultants and Mentorship 2.R&D resources 3.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources

  • Special facility or equipment:None




  • 培育領域:ESG、智慧能源、人工智慧、資訊安全

  • 單位介紹:瑞瑞祺成立於2007年,專注於網路資通訊市場應用,提供專業與創新的技術及驗證之相關軟硬體整合平台,更主動積極聯手樺漢科技集團,在ESG中有更多改變與行動,讓公司永續經營同時,更提升了國際競爭力。

  • 提供空間形式:會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


CASwell Inc.


  • Area of focus:ESG, Smart Energy, AI, Information Security

  • Introduction:CASwell, Inc. was founded in 2007. We specialize in networking, information, and communication applications and continue to maintain a leadership position in the field of products, applications, and technological innovation. In the field of sustainability issues, we fully comply with the needs of our international customers in the field of business development and actively cooperate with Ennoconn Group, our parent entity. We are determined to effect positive change and take concrete actions in response to Net Zero Carbon Declarations with the goal of achieving sustainable operations and honing our international competitiveness.

  • Incubation space:Meeting Room

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 8.Access to international markets 8.Investment 9.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 10.Address open for the company registration

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:ESG、智慧能源、人工智慧、資訊安全

  • 單位介紹:樺漢科技產品為POS、工控、人機互動等產品,累積多年設計製造服務、資訊科技、系統整合及雲服務經驗。近年推出ESaaS服務,聚焦智慧能源、人工智慧、資訊安全等領域,整合集團資源提供客戶多元解決方案。

  • 提供空間形式:實驗室、會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.直接投資新創團隊 8.開拓國內市場通路 9.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


Ennoconn Corporation


  • Area of focus:ESG, Smart Energy, AI, Information Security

  • Introduction:Ennoconn has years of experience in design and manufacturing services, information technology, system integration, and cloud services. Recently, Ennoconn launched ESaaS services focusing on Smart Energy, AI, and Cybersecurity, providing customers with diverse intelligent solutions.

  • Incubation space:Laboratory, Meeting Room

  • Service Provided:1.Consultants and Mentorship 2.R&D resources 3.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 4.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 5.Investment 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 7.Access to international markets 8.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 9.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:AIoT 與淨零永續

  • 單位介紹:陽明交大ESG中心目標建立與企業長久和密切之學研新創戰略合作關係,展開以Sustainable AI為核心的低耗運算研究,並在可信邊緣運算、節能技術、碳管理、智慧能源管理、建築物智慧化、資安控管等領域發展,協助提升在智慧城市領域之研究。

  • 提供空間形式:會議室

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助申請政府創業資源 6.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 7.開拓國內市場通路 8.對接國外市場通路

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:


Ennoconn-NYCU ESG Net Zero Transformation and Innovation Research Center


  • +886-3-5712121#52973

  • Room 507, Electricity Building, No. 1001, Daxue Road, East District 300093, Hsinchu City

  • Website under construction

  • charlielin@nycu.edu.tw

  • Area of focus:AIoT, Net Zero Sustainability

  • Introduction:The center aims to establish a long-term and close strategic cooperative relationship with enterprises in academic research and innovation, carry out low-consumption computing research with Sustainable AI as the core, and conduct research on trusted edge computing, energy-saving technology, carbon management, smart energy management, and construction. The development of smart things, information security control and other fields will help improve research in the field of smart cities.

  • Incubation space:Meeting Room

  • Service Provided:1.Space and venue 2.Events and courses 3.Consultants and Mentorship 4.R&D resources 5.Application for government resources 6.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 7.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 8.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:N/A




  • 培育領域:電子資訊(物聯網硬體技術、電子產品研發設計、智慧工廠 Poc 場域驗證))

  • 單位介紹:擁有超過35年的研發製造經驗,提供一站式硬體設計製造服務,針對硬體創新計畫進行輔導,從產品研發、打樣、設計驗證、小量試製、量產出貨到國際物流。也提供智慧工廠協助團隊進行場域驗證,加速產品進入市場的時程。

  • 提供空間形式:製造生產線、智慧工廠、實驗室、會議室、展售/示中心

  • 服務功能:1.空間及場域提供 2.活動及課程辦理 3.提供業師輔導 4.研發資源/技術開發 5.協助產品開發與小量試製 6.協助申請政府創業資源 7.取得外部投資資金/創投鏈結 8.直接投資新創團隊 9.開拓國內市場通路 10.對接國外市場通路 11.可提供公司登記 12.其他-驗證場域

  • 特殊軟硬體設備提供:3D列印機、金工設備、工廠型實驗室、通訊測試設備、可靠度測試設備


Mighty Net


  • Area of focus:IoT Hardware Technology, Electronic Product Design & Development, Smart Factory Poc Field Verification

  • Introduction:With over 35 years of experience in R&D and manufacturing, Mighty Net provide services from product development, design verification, pilot run, mass production to global logistics, provide a 0 to 100 one-stop solution with quality and confidence.

  • Incubation space:Production Lines, Smart Factory, Laboratories, Conference Rooms, Exhibition/Demonstration Centers

  • Service Provided:1.Consultants and Mentorship 2.R&D resources 3.Assistance to the product development and small-scale trial run 4.Assistance to obtain external investment, funds or venture capital 5.Investment 6.Assistance to the expansion in the domestic market 7.Access to international markets

  • Special facility or equipment:3D Printer, Metallurgical Equipment, Factory Laboratory, Communication Test Equipment, Reliability Test Equipment




  • 10042 臺北市中正區延平南路127號B1、4樓 
  • 電話:02-7756-6176 傳真:02-2331-7556
  • 服務信箱:pccuincubator01@gmail.com (我們將儘速依序處理您的來信,回信時間約7個工作天)
